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HOA Laws

New laws often affect owners’ property value and taxes, investment decisions, local governance, and lifestyle in an association. Staying ahead of these bills is essential. Homeowners, developers, managers, lawyers, legislators and their staff members can all benefit from this site. Articles contain synopses of pending legislation, some personal opinions, and current HOT issues for community associations. Content is updated monthly so you can stay current!


After serving as a USAF Navigator Skip Daum founded his advocacy firm, Capitol Communications, in Sacramento in 1974. He has represented 36 nonprofit organizations and “special interests” in diverse fields for 50 years before retiring. His knowledge of the lawmaking process and his many professional relationships with legislators, staff and dozens of other lobbyists enabled his outstanding record of success.

Homeowners Associations were a major client base and he successfully  lobbied in their behalf for more than 23 years. His deep understanding of the laws and operational practices of HOAs made him the “go-to-guy” when bills appeared that needed accurate opinion and analysis.

Today, with constant changes in the real estate and corporate laws affecting HOAs, Skip’s articles will assist all HOA stakeholders in understanding their rights, responsibilities and potential liability. articles are not legal advice.

These articles are copyrighted material. Certain portions are from government and web-sourced documents.

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